
Notable people whose lives sometimes surprisingly overlapped.

Educational Attainment Per School District

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Nassau County Real Estate: A Closer Look

We frequently hear about how much the real estate market has gone up in price.  In this…

Finding Hidden Voters: A Project Using TABLEAU

Is Trump in line for another surprise election victory? In 2016, more people supported Trump than were…

A Sea of Red: One Year’s Worth of Bike Accidents in NYC

Car-hitting-a-bike accidents in NYC mapped in R.  One year’s worth.  Each accident is a red dot.  Each…

Comparing Presidents Pole Numbers As They Run For 2nd Term

An animated graph using FLOURISH to compare the polling numbers of previous presidents as they ran for…

An Animated Graph Comparing Poll Numbers of Previous Presidents Running For Re-election

This is an animated graph done using FLOURISH. Click on the REPLAY button below the title.  

An Interactive Dashboard

Click here for the full report:

Not Everyone Was Sheltering In Place

While the rest of the economy might have been shrinking a near record number of people were…

Keeping It In Perspective

  While the US certainly has tested more people for Covid-19 it also has a much bigger…